Samstag, 9. November 2013


written on 9/30/13

Hey guys,

Today we had a late school start. That happens really often here. The sponsors had something like a conference and after that school started. That's pretty cool because you often have days where you can sleep long.
Unfotunately we had no cooking class today. So we practised for the German Night. The last days we practised a lot for it and I think it's going to be great ! We have really cool acts and
am going to be one of the hosts (Moderator).
But the really best part of the day was
physical education. We tried on the football uniform with the shoulder pads and everything. That was great fun and it looked really wierd. Mr. Anderson, the P.E. teacher was suprised that we girls were excited to try football. That is not usual for girls he said. But it was funny and a great school day. (I'll show you some pictures in the next picture post).
In the afternoon we went to a Volleyball game in Rolla. We played against the Rola Pirates and a lot more teams. By the time I feel
like a half member of the Moscow Wildcats' Volleyball team. It's great to support our girls and to cheer for them as loud as we can.

Goodbye and see u !
Svea <3 :)


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